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Here's Why GPT-4 Becomes 'Stupid': Unpacking Performance Degradation

Here's Why GPT-4 Becomes 'Stupid': Unpacking Performance Degradation

The performance degradation of GPT-4, often labeled as 'stupidity', is a pressing issue in AI, highlighting the model's inability to adapt to new data and the necessity for continuous learning in AI development.

Transforming Biomedicine and Health: The Rising Influence of ChatGPT and LLMs

Transforming Biomedicine and Health: The Rising Influence of ChatGPT and LLMs

The paper discusses ChatGPT's potential in biomedical information retrieval, question answering, and medical text summarization, but also highlights limitations, privacy concerns, and the need for comprehensive evaluations.

Is Conversational Diagnostic AI like AMIE Feasible?

Is Conversational Diagnostic AI like AMIE Feasible?

AMIE, an AI system developed by Google Research and DeepMind, demonstrates superior diagnostic accuracy compared to human physicians in a groundbreaking study, signaling a new era in AI-driven healthcare.

Unraveling ChatGPT Jailbreaks: A Deep Dive into Tactics and Their Far-Reaching Impacts

Unraveling ChatGPT Jailbreaks: A Deep Dive into Tactics and Their Far-Reaching Impacts

Exploring the intricacies of ChatGPT jailbreak strategies, this paper delves into the emerging vulnerabilities and the advanced methodologies developed to evaluate their effectiveness.

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Recent studies reveal large language models can deceive, challenging AI safety training methods. They can hide dangerous behaviors, creating false safety impressions, necessitating the development of robust protocols.

OpenAI Explores GPT-4 for Content Moderation

OpenAI Explores GPT-4 for Content Moderation

OpenAI is leveraging GPT-4 for content moderation, streamlining policy creation from months to hours. The process involves refining policies through iterative feedback between GPT-4 and human experts, enabling efficient, large-scale moderation.

ChatQA: A Leap in Conversational QA Performance

ChatQA: A Leap in Conversational QA Performance

The study "ChatQA: Building GPT-4 Level Conversational QA Models" by Zihan Liu, Wei Ping, Rajarshi Roy, Peng Xu, Mohammad Shoeybi, and Bryan Catanzaro from NVIDIA focuses on the development of a new family of conversational question-answering models, including Llama2-7B, Llama2-13B, Llama2-70B, and an in-house 8B pretrained GPT model, which improves 'unanswerable' questions.

Understand JPMorgan's DocLLM: Enhancing AI-Powered Document Analysis

Understand JPMorgan's DocLLM: Enhancing AI-Powered Document Analysis

JPMorgan introduces DocLLM, an AI model for multimodal document understanding. This lightweight extension of LLMs excels in analyzing business documents, employing a novel spatial attention mechanism and bounding box information instead of costly image encoders.

Phantom Wallet CEO Ensures User Privacy Amidst Quests Feature Concerns

Phantom Wallet CEO Ensures User Privacy Amidst Quests Feature Concerns

CEO Brandon Millman of Phantom wallet reaffirms the company's commitment to user privacy and addresses concerns over the Quests feature and data handling practices.

What is OpenGPT and How It Differs from ChatGPT?

What is OpenGPT and How It Differs from ChatGPT?

OpenGPT is an open-source project by LangChain AI, offering a community-driven alternative to OpenAI's GPT models, democratizing access to advanced language models, and addressing sustainability, community management, and competition with proprietary models.

Microsoft Researchers Introduce CodeOcean and WaveCode

Microsoft Researchers Introduce CodeOcean and WaveCode

Microsoft researchers introduce WaveCoder and CodeOcean, pioneering code language model instruction tuning. WaveCoder excels in diverse code tasks, outperforming open-source models. CodeOcean's 20,000 instruction instances enhance model generalization.

Why Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) is promise for Autonomous Driving?

Why Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) is promise for Autonomous Driving?

The integration of MLLMs in autonomous driving could revolutionize the global economy, with ARK's research suggesting a potential GDP increase of 20% over the next decade, driven by safety improvements, productivity gains, and a shift to electric vehicles.

Over 70% Accuracy: ChatGPT Shows Promise in Clinical Decision Support

Over 70% Accuracy: ChatGPT Shows Promise in Clinical Decision Support

A study assessing ChatGPT's utility in clinical decision-making found it has a 71.7% overall accuracy in clinical vignettes, excelling in final diagnoses with 76.9% accuracy. This highlights its potential as an AI tool in healthcare workflows.

StreamingLLM Breakthrough: Handling Over 4 Million Tokens with 22.2x Inference Speedup

StreamingLLM Breakthrough: Handling Over 4 Million Tokens with 22.2x Inference Speedup

SwiftInfer, leveraging StreamingLLM's groundbreaking technology, significantly enhances large language model inference, enabling efficient handling of over 4 million tokens in multi-round conversations with a 22.2x speedup.

Binance's Chief Communications Officer Debunks Reuters' Claims, Denies Alleged Financial Irregularities

Binance's Chief Communications Officer Debunks Reuters' Claims, Denies Alleged Financial Irregularities

Binance's Chief Communications Officer, Patrick Hillmann, took to Twitter to vehemently deny allegations of Binance commingling customer and company funds as reported by Reuters. Hillmann called out the story as weak and filled with conspiracy theories.

Indian Woman Caught After Stealing 63.5 Bitcoins From Company She Co-Founded

Indian Woman Caught After Stealing 63.5 Bitcoins From Company She Co-Founded

Ayushi Jain, a 26-year-old Indian woman, has been arrested by police after she stole 63.5 Bitcoins worth approximately $420,000 from Bengaluru-based BitCipher Labs LLP, a company she co-founded with Ashish Singhal.

Equating Cryptocurrency Solely with Illegal Conduct Lacks Understanding

Equating Cryptocurrency Solely with Illegal Conduct Lacks Understanding

Cryptocurrency has its benefits, but several consumers are still unaware of what they are because of security concerns and how the technology functions. In a recent interview, Coleman Watson – Managing partner Watson LLP – identified that while many people are interested in using cryptocurrency, lack of understanding remains a major hurdle.

US Court to Determine Which Law Firm Should Lead Classic Action Against Tether

US Court to Determine Which Law Firm Should Lead Classic Action Against Tether

Tether (USDT) stablecoin issuer, IFinex and its subsidiary, Bitfinex exchange are facing charges of allegedly manipulating the price of Bitcoin in 2017. Although the company, on the other hand, is vehemently in denial of the charges levelled against it.

JP Morgan Chase to Pay $2.5 Million to Settle Class Action Lawsuit Over Wrongfully Incurred Crypto Charges

JP Morgan Chase to Pay $2.5 Million to Settle Class Action Lawsuit Over Wrongfully Incurred Crypto Charges

JPMorgan Chase has settled a lawsuit over unannounced changes made to the fee structure applied to crypto transactions using its credit cards in 2018. The American bank agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit regarding its decision made in 2018 to treat cryptocurrency purchases with Chase credit cards as cash advances, ensuing in higher fees. However, JPMorgan is not admitting to any wrong-doing as part of the deal.

Telegram Appeals Federal Court Injunction to Stop Gram Distribution

Telegram Appeals Federal Court Injunction to Stop Gram Distribution

Telegram has filed an appeal to yesterday’s ruling by a United Stated federal court in favour of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which has prohibited the issuance of Gram tokens for the time being.

Has Judgement Finally Come for 2017 ICOs? Class Action Lawsuits Name Binance, BitMEX and Block.One Among Host of Crypto Defendants

Has Judgement Finally Come for 2017 ICOs? Class Action Lawsuits Name Binance, BitMEX and Block.One Among Host of Crypto Defendants

Crypto Giants Binance, BitMEX, along with Executives CZ, Arthur Hayes Named Among Defendants in 11 Class Action Suits For Violating Securities Laws.

Russia Restricts Anonymous Cash Deposits to Online Wallets

Russia Restricts Anonymous Cash Deposits to Online Wallets

The Russian Government has put strict limits on anonymous deposits made to online wallets. While it is not a complete ban, the initiative by lawmakers is promoted as a step to deter illegal activity such as money laundering and illicit drug transactions and could affect up to 10 million users.

Canadian Tax Agency Asks Coinsquare Crypto Exchange to Hand Over Clients Personal Data

Canadian Tax Agency Asks Coinsquare Crypto Exchange to Hand Over Clients Personal Data

The Canada Revenue Agency has requested a judge of the Federal Court to force a crypto exchange to hand over information about all its customers.

Paris Blockchain Week Summit Announces Its 2020 Speaker Lineup

Paris Blockchain Week Summit Announces Its 2020 Speaker Lineup

Paris, France - January 16th, 2020 - Paris Blockchain Week Summit (PBWS), the first international conference held in France dedicated to professionals in the blockchain and crypto-assets space, has announced the primary speaker lineup for its upcoming event on March 31 - April 1, 2020.

Iconic Funds to Issue First Exchange Traded Product for Bitcoin on a Regulated Market

Iconic Funds to Issue First Exchange Traded Product for Bitcoin on a Regulated Market

Iconic Funds, a global crypto asset management firm, has said it will issue an Exchange Traded Note (ETN) for Bitcoin of up to 100,000,000 Notes, tracking the NYSE Bitcoin Index (Ticker: NYXBT). The Notes may be subscribed to by qualified investors with both EUR and BTC, with a minimum subscription size of 100,000 Notes and an issue price of €1,00 per Note. Iconic Funds will apply for admission to trading of the Notes on the regulated market of the Luxembourg and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges in Q4 2019. The Notes will have a German ISIN.

Breaking: London Stock Exchange Rejects £32B Takeover Offer from HKEX

Breaking: London Stock Exchange Rejects £32B Takeover Offer from HKEX

Rejection of Conditional Proposal from HKEX

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