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libra project

Gemini's Winklevoss Twins Willing to Dive into Facebook's Libra Project

Gemini's Winklevoss Twins Willing to Dive into Facebook's Libra Project

Winklevoss twins, the Gemini Founders have made a revelation about a possible partnership with Facebook on the Libra Project.

Facebook’s Libra Developers Release Initial Roadmap

Facebook’s Libra Developers Release Initial Roadmap

The developers behind Facebook’s cryptocurrency project Libra have released their initial roadmap outlining the milestones they plan to achieve prior to the mainnet launch of the Libra blockchain.

Singapore State Investor Temasek Joins Libra Association, Facebook’s Global Digital Currency Project

Singapore State Investor Temasek Joins Libra Association, Facebook’s Global Digital Currency Project

Singapore’s state investor, Temasek Holdings has officially been named a member of the Facebook-backed digital currency project Libra. Temasek as a portfolio value of 313 billion Singapore dollars (roughly $219 billion), making it one of the more prominent backers of Libra. The Libra Association, an independent group based in Switzerland has also welcomed crypto investor Paradigm and Slow Ventures, a private equity firm.

Facebook’s Libra Likened to 2008 Subprime Mortgage Fiasco

Facebook’s Libra Likened to 2008 Subprime Mortgage Fiasco

Senator Brown compared Facebook's Libra to the subprime mortgage scenario. His sentiments show the divided debate facing the Libra project.

Libra Testnet ‘Going Strong,’ Boasts Over 51000 Transactions and 34 Projects

Libra Testnet ‘Going Strong,’ Boasts Over 51000 Transactions and 34 Projects

Regulators may think it’s the work of the devil but Facebook’s crypto project, Libra, has been “going strong.”

Facebook’s Calibra Aims to Create 50 New Jobs in Dublin To Scale Up Its Libra Project

Facebook’s Calibra Aims to Create 50 New Jobs in Dublin To Scale Up Its Libra Project

Social media giant Facebook is seeking to create 50 jobs for its payment subsidiary Calibra. The new hires, which are targeted to begin work at Dublin office, Ireland by the end of 2020, will be responsible for creating a wallet for sending and storing Libra. Calibra was formed in 2019 to develop a digital wallet for the Libra payment team.

China Leads Pan-Asian Digital Currency Project to Compete with Facebook's Libra

China Leads Pan-Asian Digital Currency Project to Compete with Facebook's Libra

Led by China, four Asian countries are in the early stages of developing a joint digital currency. The currency will help keep the Dollar and Libra in check

Facebook Considers Fiat-pegged Stablecoins for Libra

Facebook Considers Fiat-pegged Stablecoins for Libra

Despite facing constant criticism, Libra continues to stead on, with consideration of using Fiat – Pegged Stable coins for the project to replace its initial proposal of having a synthetic unit.

Facebook’s Libra Encouraged to Exclude the Chinese Yuan Being Tied to the Stablecoin

Facebook’s Libra Encouraged to Exclude the Chinese Yuan Being Tied to the Stablecoin

While Facebook is facing regulatory approvals for its Libra project, Facebook told US senators that the initial group of currencies that Libra will be likely backed by the US dollar, Euro, Yen, British Pound, and the Singapore dollar.

Bruno Le Maire Insists He Cannot Support Facebook’s Libra

Bruno Le Maire Insists He Cannot Support Facebook’s Libra

Since the social media giant, Facebook announced its plan to launch its digital currency known Libra, one critic has repeatedly made his opinion known. Bruno Le Maire cannot and will not support the stablecoin project.

Libra Association - Visa and MasterCard Have Second Thoughts

Libra Association - Visa and MasterCard Have Second Thoughts

Libra internal struggles. Visa and MasterCard consider leaving.

Libra Association Appoints Steering Team to Oversee Its Cryptocurrency Network Development

Libra Association Appoints Steering Team to Oversee Its Cryptocurrency Network Development

The Libra Association has appointed a five-member technical steering team to oversee the ongoing development of the Libra project. Late last year, Libra made some important changes, including forming new firms and updating its mission to emphasize on payments instead of currency.

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