blockchain application in various industries

Blockchain-Powered Farm to Plate Portal to Mitigate Recalls

Farm to Plate, a blockchain-enabled provenance tracking portal by Paramount Software Solutions, is set to address the challenge of recalls witnessed in the food & beverage sector.

Bank of America Plays Ripple Project Close to Chest

Bank of America (B of A) has been keeping its blockchain contingency plans under wraps for the better half of a decade.

Bruno Le Maire Insists He Cannot Support Facebook’s Libra

Since the social media giant, Facebook announced its plan to launch its digital currency known Libra, one critic has repeatedly made his opinion known. Bruno Le Maire cannot and will not support the stablecoin project.

Joe Weisenthal: Only Point of Bitcoin Is to Do Transactions “THE MAN Doesn’t Want You to Do”

Former Business Insider executive editor and current Bloomberg Business editor Joe Weisenthal had some interesting things to say about bitcoin and blockchain.

Ernst and Young Unveil Blockchain Solution for Public Funds Management

This move by Ernest and Young is an accurate depiction of the boundless opportunities and possibilities inherent in Blockchain technology.

Crypto Tax Payments Permitted in Bermuda

Bermuda has started accepting tax payments using Circle's stablecoin known as USD Coin (USDC).

Wales Eyes Own Digital Currency for Speedy Business Transactions

Wales has set its eyes on creating a complementary digital currency. It has been speculated that it could enhance the nation’s economy by approximately £250m in the next ten years.

US Department of Justice Shuts Down Pornography Site That Sells Child Pornography For Bitcoin

A charge was brought upon a South Korean citizen named Jong Woo Son and other hundreds of individuals in different countries to have been operating the world's largest child sexual exploitation website by volume of content using bitcoin as a means of exchange.

Canada’s Central Bank Considers Launching a Digital Currency to Combat the “Direct Threat” of Cryptos

Canada’s Central Bank, the Bank of Canada, is considering launching a digital currency that would enable the collection of how Canadians spend their money.

Donald Trump's Impeachment Up for Crypto Bets on Augur

The impeachment of Donald J.Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America and its potential outcome has stirred up predictions on Augur.

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