project aether
NVIDIA's Project Aether Boosts Apache Spark Efficiency
NVIDIA introduces Project Aether, streamlining Apache Spark workloads with GPU acceleration, significantly reducing processing times and costs for enterprises globally.
Why Did John McAfee Abandon His Ghost Privacy Coin Project?
Crypto advocate and technology pioneer John McAfee recently announced on Twitter that he has abandoned his Ghost privacy coin project.
EMT Pilots Facial Recognition and Blockchain Ticketing Project in Madrid
EMT, a public transportation firm in Madrid wants to use blockchain for its ticketing pilot project.
Gemini's Winklevoss Twins Willing to Dive into Facebook's Libra Project
Winklevoss twins, the Gemini Founders have made a revelation about a possible partnership with Facebook on the Libra Project.
How Does Blockchain Enhance Traditional Project Management?
Projects are very different from every other type of activity; they have a definite beginning, ending and time frame. They are created or initiated to fulfill a specific objective, which after fulfilling they cease to exist. But did you know that 7 out of ten projects overrun their deadlines? How can blockchain enhance the process of project management?
Estonia's Central Bank Launches Research Project into CBDC
Estonia’s Central Bank also known as Eesti Pank has launched a multi-year research project into central bank digital currencies.
Amazon Aims to Advance Its Digital Currency Project in Mexico
Amazon has been planning on launching a digital currency project in Mexico, and a job posting revealed that it was looking for engineers and developers for the part.
JICWEBS Blockchain Pilot Project Attracts Four Media Gurus
JICWEBS blockchain pilot project is touted to be a gamechanger in digital advertising as it will optimize transparency, productivity, and trust. This aspect has, therefore, made four media agencies, namely Havas, OMG, Zenith, and Mindshare, to join this initiative.
Twitter Takes on Decentralization with New Social Media Development Project
Bluesky – the new social media decentralized initiative, endorsed by Jack Dorsey of Twitter and five other programmers. Dorsey has dedicated funds for this new project, which ultimately will put social media platforms on blockchain.
Telegram Tells US Investors to Leave TON Blockchain Project and Take 72% Refund
Telegram now says US investors won’t get 110% refund and tells them to leave its blockchain TON project.
Yearn.Finance Founder Andre Cronje Gets Sued Over Eminence Project Hack Amid Receiving Death Threats
Andre Cronje has also recently been sued over his unfinished Eminence Finance (EMN) project, which has been hacked.
ConsenSys Picked to Help Develop Phase 2 of Hong Kong's CBDC Project
Blockchain firm ConsenSys has revealed that it has been awarded a cross-border payment network study project by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
MAS Announces Project Ubin’s Successful International Settlement Network in its Final Phase Report
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and government-owned conglomerate Temasek released the final report of the Singaporean CBDC project, Project Ubin. The report is the fifth and final phase of Project Ubin, Singapore’s blockchain-based multi-currency payments network prototype that was built for the financial industry and blockchain ecosystem.