Blockchain Delivers a Glimpse of Future Innovation Today
A brief look at how the energy market and consumers will benefit from blockchain technology in the near future.
Samsung Silently Adds Bitcoin Support for Blockchain Phones
Samsung recently added Bitcoin to the Blockchain Keystore, on the blockchain-enabled smartphones. Samsung’s Galaxy S10 range launched in March with the “Blockchain Keystore” feature offering the storage of cryptocurrencies and transactions for Ether and ERC-20 tokens.
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Libra, Facebook
What’s Bull___, Brilliant and Big Brother? Deep diving & examining where the real value is.
Is Blockchain-Based Virtual Reality the Future?
For years, advocates of virtual reality have struggled to overcome several major barriers to mass adoption — centralised corporations controlled user accounts, hackers eliminated digital assets, and developers lacked incentives to create quality VR content. Now, blockchain is changing the game.
Ethereum Hit 1 million Daily Transactions since May 2018
As reported by leading Ethereum block explorer Etherscan, Ethereum hit over 1mn daily transactions on 28 June, the first time since May 2018.
How Do Hackers Use Excel Files to Compromise Your Computers?
We do not recommend users to open excel (especially excel files among other office format files) from an unknown source. Hacker can gain full control of your computer, including the access of all files, screenshots, your web camera and all information typed by your keyboard!
Common Blockchain Misconceptions - Part 2 of 3
Common Blockchain Misconceptions – Part 2 of 3
Why the proof-of-work chain is a solution to the Byzantine Generals' Problem
Why the proof-of-work chain is a solution to the Byzantine Generals' Problem