blockchain application in various industries

UK's Tax Authority Ready to Invest Up to $130,000 in Blockchain Analytics Tool to Track Crypto Cybercriminals

The UK tax authority HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), is looking for an analytics tool using blockchain to enhance the process of identifying criminals who are trading in cryptocurrencies online.

First in the World? Lithuania Central Bank Approved Blockchain-based Digital Collectible

Implementing a unique new idea will be the Bank of Lithuania in introducing the world’s first blockchain – based digital coin collectible.

"I Knew Owning Bitcoin Was a Bad Idea," Claims Peter Schiff After Losing Access to His Bitcoin Wallet

"I knew to own Bitcoin was a bad idea, I just never realized it was this bad!" exclaims Peter Schiff, after losing access to his bitcoin wallet and his password being invalidated. The crypto – the community has offered help, but it would seem the BTC has been lost for good.

Blockchain, Brands and Clothing: Will 2020 Continue to Be a Year of Growth?

According to the global brand counterfeiting report 2018, “The growth in global trade and technology has positively affected many markets across the world, but along with that, it has some major adverse effects as well. Business organizations spend a lot of money, time and resources on protecting their brand and trademarks. But even after all the measures, the counterfeit market is booming rapidly.”

Blockchain Could Potentially Level the Playing Field for Startups and Entrepreneurs

The world of business is growing daily, in an article published by Brad Haddin, a privacy consultant, he pointed out that "there are 150 million startups in the world today with 50 million new startups launching every year.” This means that every day, an average of 137,000 companies have been founded by someone in the world. This number has risen since 2005, which is due to massive globalization and industrialization engaged in by different countries around the world.

How Blockchain Technology is Shaping Digital Advertisements

There are thousands of ads everywhere, in our phones, applications, websites, there is hardly anywhere you would turn to (digitally) today without bumping into an ad, even when using ad blockers. According to Forbes, an average person is exposed to about 4,000 to 10,000 digital ads every day. They aren’t cheap; the standard ads we see every day on our phones cost billions.

Blockchain-Powered Devices to be Worth More Than $23.5 Billion by 2030 According to Business Intelligence Firm

According to a market research report availed by P&S Intelligence, a business intelligence consulting services firm, the worldwide blockchain devices market was worth $0.3 billion in 2019 but is expected to surpass $23.5 billion by 2030.

First Private Bank Joins Turkish Digital Asset Blockchain Network

Garanti BBVA, the second-largest private bank in Turkey with $104 billion of consolidated assets has confirmed that it will be the first and only private bank joining the Turkish Digital Asset Blockchain Network.

$134 Million Deal Closed By Real Estate Company Using Blockchain in Switzerland

Switzerland has just recorded one of its first real estate tokenization and sale on the blockchain. The asset involved in this transaction is a building sitting on the prestigious Bahnhofstrasse in Zürich.

Gemini Launches Insurance Company Resulting in the Highest Custody Insurance Coverage in the Crypto Market

Gemini exchange excitedly announced the launch of its own cryptocurrency insurance company which turned out to be regarded as the most crypto custody with the widest coverage at the moment. Named Nakamoto, Ltd.

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