blockchain application in various industries

Google Web Searches for Bitcoin Hit a Historic Low with Nigeria Still Leading

The Global web search data from Google Trends indicate that there has been a decline in recent times as it has recorded an all-time low since October 2018. Even in the midst of the activities going on in the global scene we see that some African countries have been leading with Nigeria recorded as the country with the highest level of Bitcoin searches, followed by South Africa and Ghana respectively.

Bakkt BTC Options Trading Falls To Zero: What Does This Mean for Mainstream Adoption?

The impetus behind Bakkt was to create a safe and regulated environment where larger institutions, corporation and investors would feel comfortable leveraging for access to the nascent crypto market. The trading volume or lack thereof seems to indicated that these larger investors are still weary of cryptocurrency.

Ex-Cambridge Analytica Employee Confident that Blockchain Can Help Protect Personal Data

Brittany Kaiser, the Cambridge Analytica scandal whistleblower discussed in an interview at the World Economic Forum that blockchain technology could be an important tool to address data protection issues.

Billionaire Investor Tim Draper: Why Millennials Should Consider Investing in Bitcoin

The future of Bitcoin remains a hot topic. Billionaire venture capitalist, Tim Draper, calls Bitcoin as the way of the future. Draper had a recent interview with Foxbusiness, a session whereby he advised millennials that if they really want to retire rich, then they need to invest in Bitcoin.

Will Distributed Ledger Technology and Cryptocurrencies Ever Lead to the Extinction of Banks?

In the world we live in today, virtually every sector of human activities have begun to experience one form of digitisation or another, and the Banking sector happens to be one of the sectors at the forefront of this evolution.

Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Could Cause Potential Disruption to the Crypto Market

Since the coronavirus patient was identified on Dec. 8, 2019, in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China, the virus has since claimed at least 100 lives. According to crypto research firm Chainalysis, China has the status as a crypto investment hub, as it houses the most crypto exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region, which has 40 percent of the world’s top 50 exchanges.

Greece Council of State Rules for the Extradition of a Russian Bitcoin Laundering Suspect to France

Greece Council of State has ruled in favor of the order to extradite a Russian bitcoin laundering suspect named Alexander Vinnik, A.K.A "Mr. Bitcoin" to France, as reported by Greece Greek Reporter.

Are Blockchain and Tokenization the Holy Grail in Eradicating Wealth Inequality?

Blockchain and tokenization could prove to be ideal in fighting the wealth inequality challenge as they can break the vicious cycle of wealth inequality by prompting ownership of high-performing asset classes. This will enable any person to invest and partially own lucrative assets, such as commercial real estate.

World Economic Forum Launches Global Consortium for Digital Currencies Governance

The World Economic Forum has unveiled a global consortium that aims to design a framework for the governance of digital currencies, including stablecoins. The consortium will focus on increasing access to the financial system through innovative policy solutions, which are interoperable and inclusive. The inspiration behind the formation of the consortium is based on the premise that opportunities for financial inclusion can only be unlocked if the space is properly regulated and include private-public cooperation across emerging and developed markets.

Blockchain, Our Growing Global Population, and Food Resources

With an evergrowing population, can blockchain aid in fighting against food shortages and supply chain problems?

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