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FUSANG Exchange Announces CCB $3 Billion Digital Bond Listing Suspended

FUSANG Exchange Announces CCB $3 Billion Digital Bond Listing Suspended

FUSANG exchange announced that the listing of the $3 billion digital bond backed by China Construction Bank has been suspended.

Exclusive | FUSANG CEO: CCB’s $3 Billion in Blockchain-Based Debt Bonds is Rise of Crypto 2.0

Exclusive | FUSANG CEO: CCB’s $3 Billion in Blockchain-Based Debt Bonds is Rise of Crypto 2.0

According to FUSANG CEO Henry Chong, the CCB's historic blockchain-based bond listing, the first tranche of $3 billion in debt, marks a transition into what he calls “Crypto 2.0”

FUSANG Exchange Lists First Publicly Available Blockchain-Based Digital Bond Backed by CCB

FUSANG Exchange Lists First Publicly Available Blockchain-Based Digital Bond Backed by CCB

Asia’s first digital security exchange FUSANG is partnering with heavy weight China Construction Bank (CCB) to offer the first ever digital, tokenized, blockchain-based bond.

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