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Roger Ver Owes CoinFlex $47 Million in USDC, Says CEO

Roger Ver Owes CoinFlex $47 Million in USDC, Says CEO

CoinFlex CEO Mark Lamb has revealed through a Twitter thread that crypto investor Roger Ver owes the company $47 million in USDC.

Hong Kong Vending Machines Accept Bitcoin Cash not Bitcoin Boasts Roger Ver

Hong Kong Vending Machines Accept Bitcoin Cash not Bitcoin Boasts Roger Ver

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) advocate Roger Ver recently took to Twitter to highlight a Hong Kong vending machine which accepts BCH and Ether as payment options but not Bitcoin. After asking why BCH was preferred over BTC, Ver was accused by popular YouTube Bitcoin influencer Tone Vays and trader Willy Woo of paying for Bitcoin’s omission.

Nine Bitcoin Twitter Accounts That Deserve Your Attention

Nine Bitcoin Twitter Accounts That Deserve Your Attention

Nine Bitcoin Twitter accounts that deserve to be followed.

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