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Ripple Customers to Seamlessly Interact via RippleNet Home

Ripple Customers to Seamlessly Interact via RippleNet Home

RippleNet Home, an innovative product by Ripple, is set to revolutionize the way customers partner and connect on this platform. This product will also benefit companies as they will be able to get real-time insights about the performance and payment flows.

Norwegian Police Arrest Millionaire For Wife's Murder After Two-Year Goose Chase for Kidnappers Demanding $10M Monero Ransom

Norwegian Police Arrest Millionaire For Wife's Murder After Two-Year Goose Chase for Kidnappers Demanding $10M Monero Ransom

In October 2018, a Norwegian millionaire named Tom Hagen reported that his wife had been kidnapped and presented a ransom note to police that demanded $10 million worth of the privacy-centric cryptocurrency Monero.

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