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“VISION 20/21” – Finding Clarity in Uncertainty at Business of Design Week (BODW) 2020

The change and uncertainty of 2020 has shown how vulnerable we all are. However, as we look forward to 2021 and beyond, we have the power to change how we view these times, find fresh impetus and imagine new possibilities based on our real needs and what truly matters.

Ethereum City Builder MCP3D Goes DeFi with $MEGA Token October 28

Recent months demonstrated explosive growth of decentralized finance with $13 Billion in total value locked. Normally, games are the first thing to take off on new platforms, and seems like DeFi is not an exception here.

Hong Kong Blockchain Week 2020: Setting DeFi and Blockchain Trends for 2021

During a week-long virtual event, speakers from institutions, businesses, regulatory bodies, innovative companies will evaluate the outcomes of 2020 for blockchain, technology and economy, and deliver valuable predictions about what will be trending in the nearest future.

Crypto Fest 2.0 Rumble in the Crypto Jungle

Crypto is heating up once again! DeFi has exploded onto the scene, scalability of Ethereum is in question and gas fees are out of control, interest in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) is hot, regulators are scrutinising closely and expectations that bitcoin is going to moon soon, is causing a rumble in the crypto jungle!

Crypto Assets Conference 2020B

On October 29-31, 2020, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is organizing the Crypto Assets Conference (CAC) for the fourth time. Blockchain technology was born through the invention of Bitcoin and has since then created hundreds of digital assets and spurred the development of business models building on decentralized networks. Together with executives, founders, investors and representatives from public authorities the conference covers both the public blockchain (crypto assets) and the enterprise blockchain domain (DLT). The CAC makes the audience familiar with the current trends in DLT, blockchain and crypto assets.

InvestHK unveils Global Fast Track Programme to boost fintech development with Hong Kong's proven market resilience and fintech opportunities

Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) today (August 10) unveiled the Global Fast Track Programme, a business-driven programme within Hong Kong Fintech Week (HKFW), Asia's annual flagship fintech event,to help local and global fintech enterprises leverage Hong Kong's proven resilience and fintech opportunities to scale business and accelerate innovation.

Cyberport’s flagship VC event returns to guide investors and entrepreneurs in the new normal of tech venturing

Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF), Cyberport’s annual tech investment event, will return on 3-4 November. This year’s event will be held in a virtual and interactive format for the first time, covering how the tech venture ecosystem has been reshaped under the new normal for investors, enterprises and technopreneurs. The two-day virtual forum will gather more than 50 global venture capital (VC) experts to examine key silver linings through a plethora of illuminating keynotes and panel discussions. Furthermore, over 80 virtual booths will be set up for start-ups to showcase innovative tech solutions as part of a comprehensive platform to connect start-ups with investors for power pitching and provide extensive opportunities to explore tech venturing dynamics.


One of the best gift possessed by humans is the ability to adapt to change. Little did we know that the global COVID-19 pandemic was going to deprive us of our regular mode of living, here we are today with several months of stay at home with many organisations and people pivoting into the digital economy. The immense impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the whole world with developments changing frequently. However, digital innovations and technology solutions have been deployed to respond urgently to these changes, This has led to a notable increase in demand for online transactions, resulting in a significant shift from cash to digital payment methods.

Dock Launches Mainnet For The Creation of Verifiable Credentials

In just a few days, Dock will be introducing its mainnet with the aim to solve many of today’s issues with digital credentials. Scheduled for September 30, 2020, the mainnet launch is the culmination of years of collaboration, hard work, and testing that brings to the market a bespoke credential issuing and verification platform.

Crypto-Integrity-Tao—The Books And Convention That Will Change Everything

or the first time in technological history, with Blockchain humanity is creating an “Organism-Environment” and a few innovators and futurist are aware of this fact. It will begin this year and deliver incredible rewards, releasing the “spirit” of Blockchain Intersections in a 5G world.

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