KPMG News - Blockchain.News


US Business Giants Bet Big on Generative AI Despite Data Security Concerns

US Business Giants Bet Big on Generative AI Despite Data Security Concerns

Nearly all US companies with revenues over $1B are set to invest in generative AI, eyeing major ROI while weighing risks like data security and workforce readiness.

KPMG: Fintech Funding Fades in 2023

KPMG: Fintech Funding Fades in 2023

The global fintech market experienced its most challenging year since 2017, with investments dropping to $113.7 billion. Singapore's AI fintech sector saw a 77% increase in funding.

KPMG and Microsoft Launch Multibillion-Dollar AI Partnership, Unlocking Over US$12 Billion Growth Opportunity

KPMG and Microsoft Launch Multibillion-Dollar AI Partnership, Unlocking Over US$12 Billion Growth Opportunity

In a landmark agreement announced on July 11, 2023, KPMG and Microsoft have pledged to reshape the landscape of professional services by placing Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the forefront of their operations. This significant expansion of their global relationship aims to modernize the workforce, ensure safe and secure development, and broaden the use of AI solutions across industries and society.

Catheon Gaming Named Top Blockchain Firm in APAC Region

Catheon Gaming Named Top Blockchain Firm in APAC Region

Catheon Gaming has been ranked No.1 in blockchain service company in Asia, according to the latest report by KPMG & HSBC’s joint report.

Consulting Giant KPMG Gets into Metaverse Business

Consulting Giant KPMG Gets into Metaverse Business

KPMG has become the latest major corporation looking into the niche world of the metaverse, with the firm reporting a surge in interest. The move is an attempt by the firm to offer a more immersive experience to its millions of users across the globe.

KPMG in Canada Acquires World of Women (WoW) NFT

KPMG in Canada Acquires World of Women (WoW) NFT

KPMG Canada, a full-service Audit, Tax, and Advisory firm owned and operated by Canadians, have announced it has purchased a World of Women (WoW) NFT.

Fintech Investments Amount in Singapore Reached over $3.9 Billion in 2021

Fintech Investments Amount in Singapore Reached over $3.9 Billion in 2021

The fintech sector in Singapore made significant strides in 2021 by hitting $3.94 billion, with crypto and blockchain funding contributing nearly half at 1.48 billion.

Canadian Big 4 Auditing Firm KPMG Lists BTC and ETH to Balance Sheet

Canadian Big 4 Auditing Firm KPMG Lists BTC and ETH to Balance Sheet

Multinational professional firm services and one of the Big four auditing firms, the Canadian distribution of KPMG said it will add Bitcoin and Ethereum to its balance sheet.

Blockchain Investments in 2021 Surpasses Past 3 Years' Total Capital Raised: KPMG

Blockchain Investments in 2021 Surpasses Past 3 Years' Total Capital Raised: KPMG

The blockchain ecosystem might still be relatively tagged as new. However, when it comes to funding and recognition by Venture Capital (VC) Firms, they are arguably fast attaining maturity.

New KPMG Report Suggests Potentials for Increased Maturation of the Cryptocurrency Space

New KPMG Report Suggests Potentials for Increased Maturation of the Cryptocurrency Space

The latest bi-annual report released by KPMG highlights the growth of the crypto ecosystem and postulate the possibilities of trend sustenance.

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