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World Wide Fund for Nature in the Philippines to Create Blockchain-Powered Fish Traceability App

World Wide Fund for Nature in the Philippines to Create Blockchain-Powered Fish Traceability App

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines has teamed up with UnionBank, a digital wallet, to create a blockchain-powered app dubbed Tracey to offer financial support to local fishers, as well as propel traceability and transparency in the fish supply chain.

Singapore FinTech Festival x SWITCH Highlights Day One

Singapore FinTech Festival x SWITCH Highlights Day One

The Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) and the Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH) joined forces for the first time as SFF x SWITCH. The 5-day event began today, bringing together global innovation and the corporate sector, as well as interested members of the public.

Is Blockchain the Missing Piece Needed in Curbing Illegal Fishing?

Is Blockchain the Missing Piece Needed in Curbing Illegal Fishing?

Illegal fishing is a predicament that is at times in oblivion despite it endangering marine ecosystems as it distorts their sustainability and biodiversity. Blockchain offers a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that can be helpful in fish tracking from the time it was captured to the moment it is consumed, and this approach can be instrumental in eradicating illegal fishing.

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