A Colombian court recently hosted its first legal trial in the metaverse
Terrill Dicki Mar 01, 2023 09:03
The metaverse hosted Colombia's Magdalena Administrative Court's February 15 session. Maria Quinones, the court's Magistrate, called it "realer than a video call."

An article that was published not too long ago states that a judge working in a court in Colombia recently presided over the first legal hearing that was conducted in the metaverse. According to the court, the proceedings seemed "more authentic than a video conversation."
According to a report that was made public by Reuters on the 24th of February, on the 15th of February, the Magdalena Administrative Court of Colombia held a court case in the metaverse, which comprised participants involved in a traffic dispute.
The complaint that was launched against the police lasted for two hours, was brought forward by a regional transport union, and will "partially" continue in the metaverse. It is not out of the question that the verdict will also be arrived at in the metaverse.
A virtual courtroom was occupied by the avatars of the participants, and the magistrate, Maria Quinones Triana, wore black robes that were suitable for the proceedings.
It has been said that Columbia is one of the first countries in the world to experiment with having judicial proceedings take place in the metaverse. According to a remark that Reuters obtained from Quinones, he described the encounter as feeling "more authentic than a video conversation."
This comes as a result of a recent study that was carried out and published by CoinWire on January 16th, which indicated that 69% of respondents think that the metaverse will ultimately affect social behaviors as a result of new ways used for leisure and activities. This comes as a result of the fact that 69% of respondents think that the metaverse will ultimately affect social behaviors as a result of new ways used for leisure and activities.
If this is taken into account, then, in Hackl's opinion, "how we socialize will be deeply impacted by the metaverse."
Experiences in the metaverse were available for guests to partake in at the World Economic Forum that took place in January of this year. Participants at the conference were offered the chance to take part in the "Global Collaboration Village," which was the name given to the forum's very own 3D immersive digital sessions. These sessions were available to them throughout the conference.
Image source: Shutterstock