Significant USDC Inflows into CEX and BTC Accumulation by 'Mr.100' | Flash News Detail | Blockchain.News

Significant USDC Inflows into CEX and BTC Accumulation by 'Mr.100'

6/26/2024 7:32:59 AM

Significant USDC Inflows into CEX and BTC Accumulation by 'Mr.100'

According to MetaEraCN, centralized exchanges (CEX) saw a significant net inflow of USDC, reaching a one-year high of $228 million, as reported by IntoTheBlock's research head, Lucas. Additionally, HODL15Capital monitored that the address 'Mr.100' accumulated 317.58 BTC in three transactions yesterday. FTX is also preparing to seek creditor votes on its restructuring plan. (Source)