Key Crypto Developments: German Bitcoin Transfer, Nubank Lightning Integration, Zodia Custody Partnership | Flash News Detail | Blockchain.News

Key Crypto Developments: German Bitcoin Transfer, Nubank Lightning Integration, Zodia Custody Partnership

6/26/2024 10:23:23 AM

Key Crypto Developments: German Bitcoin Transfer, Nubank Lightning Integration, Zodia Custody Partnership

According to @CCData_io, significant developments in the cryptocurrency market include German authorities moving part of a $2.8 billion Bitcoin stash to exchanges, Brazil's Nubank integrating the Bitcoin Lightning Network for its 100 million users, and Zodia Custody partnering with 21Shares to secure cryptocurrency exchange-traded products (ETPs). These moves could impact Bitcoin liquidity and adoption, as well as enhance the security of crypto investments. (Source)

Bitcoin Nubank Zodia Custody 21Shares