Current Market Cap and Number of Tron Meme Coin Projects | Flash News Detail | Blockchain.News

Current Market Cap and Number of Tron Meme Coin Projects

8/24/2024 4:19:18 PM

Current Market Cap and Number of Tron Meme Coin Projects

According to Justin Sun, the current market cap and number of Tron meme coin projects are categorized as follows: one project has a market cap between 100 million and 1 billion USD, six projects have market caps between 10 million and 100 million USD, and twenty-one projects have market caps between 1 million and 10 million USD. He poses a question about the potential market situation for the following week. (Source)

TRON Justin Sun meme coin market cap

More from Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron): Justin Sun is the founder of TRON, BitTorrent ($BTT) owner and crypto exchange HTX advisor