Pablo Escobar’s Drug Runner Yasutaka Nakamoto "Could be" Satoshi Nakamoto - Blockchain.News

Pablo Escobar’s Drug Runner Yasutaka Nakamoto "Could be" Satoshi Nakamoto

Who is Yasutaka Nakamoto? Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Are they the same person – Olof Gustaffson believes that Yasutaka had the technical knowledge of creating Bitcoin, as he has had extensive experience with microprocessors and semiconductors. Roberto Escobar, brother of the drug kingpin Pablo Escobar has launched a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as “Dietbitcoin,” in 2019, which later on relocated to Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard. Roberto Escobar claimed that he has encountered a US government agent posing as Satoshi Nakamoto, which he reached the conclusion that the US government created Bitcoin. He further believes that the US government will one day crash the market completely by selling all of Nakamoto’s Bitcoins.

  • Jun 07, 2020 16:15
Pablo Escobar’s Drug Runner Yasutaka Nakamoto "Could be" Satoshi Nakamoto

Who is Yasutaka Nakamoto?


Yasutaka Nakamoto was working for Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar to smuggle drugs to the United States from South America. 


Yasutaka Nakamoto Satoshi Nakamoto Blockchain.News.jpg


Yasutaka Nakamoto was the brother of Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, who was assumed as the original creator of Bitcoin, although he has long denied having anything to do with the cryptocurrency’s creation. 


Dubbed “The King of Cocaine,” Pablo Escobar remains the wealthiest criminal in history, with a net worth of $30 billion before his death. Escobar received help from Yasutaka Nakamoto to smuggle drugs as the latter was a high-ranking engineer for the Pacific West Airlines.


Yasutaka vanished from the public view in 1992 and allegedly resurfaced years later to create what is now known as Bitcoin, according to Olof Gustaffson, CEO of Escobar Inc, the Pablo Escobar-associated multinational holding company.


The story from Olof Gustaffson


Olof Gustaffson believes that Yasutaka had the technical knowledge of creating Bitcoin, as he has had extensive experience with microprocessors and semiconductors. 


Yasutaka Nakamoto faced an assassination attempt from Escobar, as an article from the Los Angeles Times from 1992 mentioned that Nakamoto, who worked for Hughes Aircraft Co, found a pipe-bomb in his care while he was parked at work.


Escobar Inc. has ties to the crypto world


Roberto Escobar, brother of the drug kingpin Pablo Escobar has launched a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as “Dietbitcoin,” in 2019, which later on relocated to Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard. 


Roberto Escobar claimed that he has encountered a US government agent posing as Satoshi Nakamoto, which he reached the conclusion that the US government created Bitcoin. He further believes that the US government will one day crash the market completely by selling all of Nakamoto’s Bitcoins. 


Escobar’s launch of Dietbitcoin also came with a book, titled “Pablo Escobar’s Dietbitcoin: The True Story by Roberto Escobar.” In his book, he wrote, “I can tell you with one-hundred percent certainty, one-thousand percent certainty, one-hundred-million percent certainty that the American Government is going to ruin it all because they are behind Bitcoin.”


However, these claims remain highly skeptical as Roberto Escobar has once claimed he could cure HIV with his knowledge of horses, not to mention, the brother of a drug lord. 


Escobar vs. Craig Wright


Craig Wright has self-proclaimed that he is Satoshi Nakamoto since 2019 when he first staked his claim with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for Bitcoin’s naming rights. 


Before Craig Wright made his claim, the Escobar family owned Bitcoin’s trademark, according to official documents from the USPTO. Gustafsson’s company, Coin Legal Ltd. lost control of the Bitcoin trademark after its failure to respond to Wright’s claim in the fixed six-month period.


Although the Escobar family lost its rights in 2019, the latest filings with the USPTO show that Bitcoin’s naming rights are back under the control of Coin Legal Ltd, further indicating that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto. 

Image source: Shutterstock
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