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helpix AI

Website: helpix.ai
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  • Updated:3/21/2024
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Automated, intelligent customer service - helpix AI

helpix AI is an advanced AI-powered customer service and sales tool that offers automated support and engagement across various channels. With its omnichannel approach, helpix AI enables businesses to communicate with their customers through texts, emails, social media, live chats, telegram, and WhatsApp, providing fast and efficient responses to inquiries while delivering a human-like experience.


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helpix AI boasts several notable features that set it apart from traditional customer service solutions:

Seamless Knowledge Integration

helpix AI enhances your AI capabilities by offering easy knowledge merge and code-free configuration. It effortlessly gathers information from diverse sources such as customer inquiries, help desk data, conversation logs, and public URLs. By continuously learning and improving over time, helpix AI provides smarter and more accurate responses to customer queries.

Smooth Information Integration

Through its seamless integration capabilities, helpix AI ensures that information flows smoothly across various channels. This enables businesses to engage with their customers effortlessly through social media, text messages, emails, live chat, telegram, WhatsApp, and more. helpix AI adapts to customers' preferred language and responds automatically to inquiries, bridging communication gaps and increasing customer satisfaction.

Superior Responses with Advanced Natural Language Understanding

helpix AI leverages its proprietary Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model to enhance customer interactions. By blending natural and effective responses with an advanced understanding of customer needs, helpix AI provides a conversation experience that closely resembles human-like communication. The solution integrates industry-specific Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning models, ensuring exceptional accuracy and driving conversation quality to new heights.

What's Unique About Our AI Technology?

helpix AI stands out from other AI tools in the following ways:

Quick and Smart AI Help

helpix AI prides itself on providing quick and accurate support. Its AI algorithms deliver fast and reliable replies, minimizing customer wait times and ensuring efficient problem resolution.

No Need for Humans Here

helpix AI envisions a future where most customer chats are fully automated. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, helpix AI's platform can autonomously handle customer interactions, reducing the need for human intervention.

Making AI Fit Just for You

helpix AI's dedicated AI team utilizes technologies such as Language Models (LLMs), conversation data analysis, and generative AI to tailor the AI system to each customer's unique requirements. This customization ensures that helpix AI delivers personalized and effective solutions to businesses.

Customer Wow-Factor: Tailored Pricing in the Works

helpix AI offers flexible pricing options to meet the diverse needs of businesses. It provides different plans, including Starter, Growth, and Enterprise, each with its own set of features and capabilities. This tailored pricing approach allows businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific requirements and budget.


helpix AI offers three distinct pricing plans:


The Starter plan is designed for businesses looking to get started with helpix AI. It includes the following features:

  • Proprietary NLU Model
  • No-Code Training
  • Support for Any 1 Channel
  • Support for Any 1 Language
  • Conversation Timeline
  • Training Suggestions
  • Bot KPIs
  • SLA - 99.9% Uptime


The Growth plan offers expanded capabilities for businesses seeking to unlock more opportunities. In addition to the features included in the Starter plan, the Growth plan also provides:

  • Agent Support
  • Conversational Intelligence
  • Multichannel Support
  • Multilingual Support
  • Integrations
  • Predictive Suggestions
  • Knowledge Base & Content
  • Authentication


The Enterprise plan caters to the needs of larger businesses and offers additional advanced features. It includes all the features of the Growth plan, and also provides:

  • Events & Goals Analytics
  • API Support
  • Smart Detect
  • A/B Testing
  • Lead Creation
  • Data Enrichment
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • AI Performance Reporting

For pricing details and to join the waitlist for any of these plans, interested businesses can visit the helpix AI website.

Boost CX with Real Magic

helpix AI aims to transform the customer experience by leveraging the transformative power of AI. Its sophisticated platform enables businesses to benefit from smooth, multi-channel communication and easy automation. By utilizing helpix AI, businesses can enhance their operations and leave customers truly impressed.

AI-Powered Support

helpix AI revolutionizes customer support by automating responses and delivering accurate solutions. By leveraging advanced AI technology, it reduces customer wait times, enhances satisfaction, and improves overall support efficiency.

Seamless Conversations

helpix AI enables businesses to engage in seamless conversations with customers across various channels. It ensures that the communication flow remains uninterrupted, regardless of the channel being used, providing a consistent and efficient customer experience.

Personalized Assistance

With helpix AI, businesses can deliver personalized assistance to their customers. The AI system understands customer needs and preferences, allowing for tailored and relevant interactions that address specific inquiries and concerns.

Instant Answers

helpix AI's powerful AI algorithms enable it to provide instant answers to customer queries. This reduces response times and ensures that customers receive the information they need promptly, enhancing their overall experience.

Optichannel Engagement

helpix AI enables businesses to engage with their customers across multiple channels seamlessly. Whether it's social media, text messages, emails, live chat, telegram, or WhatsApp, helpix AI adapts to the customer's preferred channel and language, ensuring effective and personalized communication.

Join the Future of Customer Engagement

Businesses can join the waitlist for helpix AI and revolutionize their customer service and sales with smart, responsive AI. By transforming inquiries into results and turning first-time visitors into dedicated customers, helpix AI empowers businesses to take their customer engagement to new heights.

To join the waitlist and get exclusive early access and special launch offers, visit the helpix AI website.

About helpix AI

helpix AI is a pioneering company that focuses on revolutionizing customer service through innovative AI solutions. Their team comprises skilled professionals in the fields of AI, research, software engineering, and product development.

Contact Information

For inquiries or further information, businesses can contact helpix AI through the following channels:

  • Email: hi@helpix.ai

For more details about helpix AI and its offerings, visit their website and explore the various sections, including the product tour, integrations, status, pricing, company information, and support.

helpix AI is committed to providing exceptional customer service and driving innovation in the field of AI-powered support.

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