What is Gliglish? | Blockchain.News


Website: gliglish.com
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  • Updated:3/21/2024
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Gliglish is an AI-powered language learning tool developed by Click & Speak Pte. Ltd. It is designed to assist users in improving their English language skills through interactive exercises and personalized feedback. Gliglish offers a wide range of services and features, including pronunciation evaluation, conversation practice, and translation assistance. This wiki provides an overview of Gliglish, its terms of service, and the key functionalities it offers.

Terms of Service

Gliglish has a set of terms of service that users must adhere to when using the platform. These terms outline the rights and obligations of both the users and Gliglish. It is important for users to carefully read and understand these terms before using the service. The terms cover various aspects, including age restrictions, content policies, data collection and usage, account security, pricing, and account suspension or termination. Users are encouraged to comply with these terms to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while using Gliglish.

Age: Gliglish is intended for a wide audience and does not specifically target children. In the United States, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the service without parental consent. In other regions, parental consent may be required for children below a certain age. Users should ensure that they have the necessary consent if required in their country.

Content Policy: Gliglish prohibits certain types of content on its platform, including hate speech, harassment, violence, self-harm, explicit sexual content, political influence and campaigning, spam, deception, and malware. Users found generating such content may have their accounts terminated without compensation.

Data Collection: Gliglish collects personal information from users when they use the service. This includes information such as names, email addresses, voice recordings and transcriptions, AI responses to user input, reference texts used for pronunciation evaluation, translations, and user interactions with the service. Additionally, Gliglish may collect device information, including IP addresses and device identifiers.

Data Usage: The personal data collected by Gliglish is used to provide and improve the services. This includes responding to user requests, personalizing the user experience, analyzing usage trends, and communicating with users through updates and newsletters. Gliglish may also review conversations and personal data collected to enhance the services, but users are advised not to share sensitive or confidential information through the platform.

Data Sharing: Gliglish may share personal data with service providers who assist in delivering and improving the services. In certain circumstances, personal data may also be shared with third parties to fulfill legal obligations or protect the security and integrity of the services.

Data Storage: User data is retained for the duration necessary to provide the services and comply with legal obligations. Users have the right to request access to their data and its deletion. However, deleting certain data may impact the functionality of certain features. For example, deleting voice recordings will prevent their playback.

Equipment: Users are responsible for having a stable internet connection and properly configured microphone to use Gliglish. Gliglish cannot be held responsible for issues arising from the malfunctioning of the user's internet connection or microphone. By using the service, users acknowledge and accept their responsibility to have functional internet connectivity and microphone.

Pricing and Credits: Gliglish offers its services at prices indicated on the sales page. Subscribers receive a specific number of credits on their monthly subscription anniversary. Unused credits from the previous month do not carry over. Credits are deducted for various actions, such as sending and receiving messages, requesting translations, receiving suggestions, and analyzing pronunciation. Additional features that consume credits may be introduced in the future.

No Refunds: All purchases made on Gliglish are final and non-refundable. By making a purchase, users waive their right to a refund.

Cookies and Similar Technologies: Gliglish utilizes cookies and similar technologies to operate the services. These technologies help understand user interactions, improve the user experience, and analyze usage trends. By using the services, users consent to the collection and use of such information for these purposes.

Account Security: Each user's Gliglish account is strictly personal. Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their account and all activities carried out under their account. It is important to keep the account password secure and not share it with others.

Multiple Accounts and System Abuse: Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts with the intention of exploiting the free services provided by Gliglish. System abuse is taken seriously, and any account involved in such activities may be suspended or terminated. Users are encouraged to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities.

Third-Party Links: Gliglish may include links to third-party websites or resources. These links are provided for convenience and do not imply endorsement or responsibility for the content or practices of these third-party sites. Users should review the terms of service and privacy policies of these third-party sites before accessing or using them.

Key Features

Pronunciation Evaluation

Gliglish utilizes AI technology to provide pronunciation evaluation for users. By recording their voice and submitting it for analysis, users receive feedback on their pronunciation accuracy. The system compares the user's pronunciation with reference audios and provides suggestions for improvement.

Conversation Practice

Gliglish offers conversation practice exercises to help users enhance their speaking skills. Users can engage in simulated conversations with the AI system, which provides prompts and responds accordingly. This feature allows users to practice real-life conversation scenarios and receive feedback on their fluency and accuracy.

Translation Assistance

Gliglish includes a translation feature to assist users in understanding and translating texts. Users can input sentences or paragraphs in their native language, and the system provides translations into English. This feature helps users expand their vocabulary and comprehension of English texts.

Personalized Learning Path

Gliglish tailors the learning experience to the individual user's needs. Through an initial assessment or user preferences, the system creates a personalized learning path that focuses on specific areas of improvement. This ensures that users receive targeted content and exercises to enhance their language skills effectively.

Progress Tracking

Gliglish allows users to track their progress and monitor their language learning journey. Users can view their performance statistics, such as accuracy rates, pronunciation improvement, and completion of exercises. This feature provides users with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue their language learning efforts.

Interactive Exercises

The platform offers various interactive exercises to engage users in active learning. These exercises may include vocabulary quizzes, grammar drills, listening comprehension activities, and writing prompts. The interactive nature of these exercises promotes active participation and helps users reinforce their language skills.

Mobile Accessibility

Gliglish is accessible through mobile devices, allowing users to learn and practice English on the go. The mobile app offers a seamless learning experience, enabling users to access their learning materials and exercises anytime, anywhere. This flexibility enhances user convenience and facilitates consistent language learning.

Community and Support

Gliglish provides a community platform where users can interact with other learners, share their experiences, and seek support. Users can engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive guidance from both fellow learners and language experts. This sense of community fosters a supportive learning environment and encourages users to stay motivated in their language learning journey.


Gliglish is an innovative AI language learning tool that offers a range of features to assist users in improving their English language skills. With its pronunciation evaluation, conversation practice, translation assistance, personalized learning path, progress tracking, interactive exercises, mobile accessibility, and community support, Gliglish provides a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Users can benefit from the platform's AI technology, receive personalized feedback, and track their progress as they advance in their English language proficiency. Whether for academic, professional, or personal purposes, Gliglish serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their English communication abilities.

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