Crytpo Assets Conference 2022 CRYPTO ASSETS CONFERENCE 2022  

Registration Deadline: Apr 04, 2022 12:00 AM
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Digital assets have been experiencing a significant boost in popularity on both private and institutional levels in recent years. This comprises a huge spectrum of crypto topics, like Bitcoin and decentralized finance, digital securities and their infrastructure as well as the digital euro and identity – all based on decentralized networks. Covering top-level content about current trends in DLT, blockchain and crypto assets through speeches, discussions and pitches, a diverse range of industry experts and thought-leaders will unite at the leading European crypto conference.


​From April 4 to April 6, 2022, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center will be hosting the Crypto Assets Conference 2022A (CAC22A). The conference is divided into 3 thematic days:

• Day 1 (April 4, 2022):  Bitcoin, Crypto Assets, Decentralized Finance, and NFTs
• Day 2 (April 5, 2022):  Digital Securities and Infrastructure
• Day 3 (April 6, 2022):  Digital Euro, Digital Identity and Sustainability


More than 90 high-profile expert speakers will attend the CAC22A for keynotes and panel discussions.  BitMEX, Sustainliquid, Coinbase, 10xDNA, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe, Börse Stuttgart, PwC, d-fine, BNP Paribas Securities Services, European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, EY, European Commission, BNY Mellon and many more.

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