TRADE News - Blockchain.News


OKX Launches P2P Block Trade for High-Volume Crypto Transactions

OKX Launches P2P Block Trade for High-Volume Crypto Transactions

OKX introduces its P2P block trade service for secure, efficient high-volume crypto transactions.

Cryptocurrencies Fueling Trade-Based Money Laundering: Insights from Michael Firing of CITE

Cryptocurrencies Fueling Trade-Based Money Laundering: Insights from Michael Firing of CITE

Michael Firing, Assistant Director at CITE, discusses how cryptocurrencies are being used in trade-based money laundering activities.

Global Supply Chain Financing: A New Era of Resilience and Diversification

Global Supply Chain Financing: A New Era of Resilience and Diversification

Citi's 2024 report on supply chain financing highlights a shift towards resilience and diversification in global trade, emphasizing technological innovations and the adoption of the China Plus One strategy.

Meta's Digital Assets Expansion: A Scrutiny by Maxine Waters

Meta's Digital Assets Expansion: A Scrutiny by Maxine Waters

Congresswoman Maxine Waters scrutinizes Meta's trademark applications, filed in March 2022, suggesting the company's continued involvement in the digital assets ecosystem, despite previous assurances of no ongoing projects in this area.

Iran Joins BRICS to Reduce Reliance on Western Economic Systems

Iran Joins BRICS to Reduce Reliance on Western Economic Systems

Iran joins BRICS, aiming to mitigate US sanctions and challenge Western economic dominance, amidst mixed reactions and uncertain benefits.

South Korea and U.S. Set for High-Level Crypto Regulatory Talks in January

South Korea and U.S. Set for High-Level Crypto Regulatory Talks in January

South Korea's FSS Chief, Lee Bok-hyun, is set to meet with SEC Chair Gary Gensler in January to discuss cryptocurrency market regulation in light of global market changes.

Bank of China Achieves Groundbreaking $14 Million e-CNY CBDC Settlement in Gold

Bank of China Achieves Groundbreaking $14 Million e-CNY CBDC Settlement in Gold

The Bank of China's Shanghai branch successfully settled a $14 million e-CNY CBDC for gold, marking a significant advancement in digital currency's role in international trade. Appeals to Arbitrage Traders for $1.4 Million in Recovery Funds After Multisig Error
claude Appeals to Arbitrage Traders for $1.4 Million in Recovery Funds After Multisig Error seeks the return of $1.4 million from traders after a multisignature scripting error drained its treasury.

Google Sues Unknown Entities for Malware Scheme Disguised as AI Chatbot Bard

Google Sues Unknown Entities for Malware Scheme Disguised as AI Chatbot Bard

Google is suing individuals for a malware distribution scam involving false AI chatbot ads, aiming to protect users and intellectual property amid growing digital security challenges.

NFT Market Sees Upward Trend with Steady Increase in Weekly Ethereum Volumes

NFT Market Sees Upward Trend with Steady Increase in Weekly Ethereum Volumes

The NFT market has seen a significant recovery, with weekly Ethereum volumes increasing from 29,704 ETH to 68,342 ETH, with marketplaces like Blur and BAYC experiencing high trade activity.

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