What is Reclaim AI? | Blockchain.News

Reclaim AI

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  • Updated:3/21/2024
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Reclaim AI

Reclaim AI is a smart scheduling app designed for teams to optimize their time and improve productivity, collaboration, and work-life balance. With its advanced AI capabilities, Reclaim AI revolutionizes calendar management, automates scheduling tasks, and provides valuable insights to help individuals and teams make the most of their time.


Reclaim AI offers a wide range of features to enhance scheduling and time management:

  • Habits: Reclaim AI allows users to create flexible routines and track their progress.
  • Tasks: Users can integrate their to-do lists with their calendars for better task management.
  • Smart 1:1s: Reclaim AI automates the scheduling of one-on-one meetings, saving time and effort.
  • Scheduling Links: Users can easily share their availability with others for efficient meeting scheduling.
  • Calendar Sync: Reclaim AI seamlessly integrates with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, ensuring all events and appointments are synchronized.
  • Buffer Time: The app includes buffer time features to allocate time between meetings and tasks, allowing for smoother transitions and increased focus.
  • Planner: Reclaim AI helps users defend their focus time by integrating their task list and protecting it from meeting interruptions.
  • Time Tracking: Users can track their time across various activities, including meetings, tasks, habits, breaks, and personal time, to gain insights into their productivity and work-life balance.
  • People Analytics: Reclaim AI provides employee-friendly insights into team performance, analyzing factors such as available productive work time, meeting dominance, and burnout risks.

Use Cases

Reclaim AI caters to various industries and teams, offering specific benefits for different use cases:

  • Teams: Reclaim AI optimizes scheduling across an entire organization, helping teams work together more efficiently and effectively.
  • Marketing: Users can manage and track all marketing activities, ensuring marketing teams stay on top of their tasks and deadlines.
  • Sales: Reclaim AI enables sales professionals to book meetings faster and close more deals by efficiently managing their schedules.
  • Engineering: The app helps engineering teams protect their no-meeting days, allowing them to focus on essential tasks and boost productivity.
  • Product: Reclaim AI integrates with task lists and defends focus time, ensuring product teams can prioritize their work and meet deadlines.
  • Finance: Users in the finance industry can easily share their availability and auto-schedule meetings, streamlining communication and collaboration.
  • HR: Reclaim AI prevents burnout and increases productivity by implementing smart calendar controls that protect employees from overtime and back-to-back meeting days.


By leveraging AI and automation, Reclaim AI offers several key benefits to its users:

  • Increased Productivity: Reclaim AI optimizes scheduling, reduces unnecessary meetings, and helps individuals and teams focus on their most important tasks.
  • Improved Collaboration: The app streamlines meeting scheduling and enhances communication among team members, leading to smoother collaboration.
  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Reclaim AI helps individuals and teams maintain a healthy work-life balance by protecting focus time, preventing burnout, and promoting personal time management.
  • Valuable Insights: The time tracking and people analytics features provide valuable insights into how time is spent, allowing users to identify areas for improvement and optimize their schedules.

User Testimonials

Here are some testimonials from satisfied Reclaim AI users:

  • Victoria Yang - Fractional People Leader - Victoria Yang Consulting: "Reclaim saved my life. You've literally helped me reclaim my sanity and make scheduling so much easier for everyone. THANK YOU!"
  • Rémy - @Xowap: "My life is now entirely managed by Reclaim.ai and I'm very happy about it. A true game changer!"
  • Arif Ender - Director, Compensation - Palo Alto Networks: "One of the most useful productivity tools that I started using is Reclaim.ai. I highly recommend it for people with busy schedules."

These testimonials highlight the positive impact Reclaim AI has had on individuals' productivity and scheduling efficiency.


Reclaim AI is a powerfulscheduling app that harnesses the power of AI to optimize time management and improve productivity for teams. With its comprehensive set of features, including habits, tasks, smart 1:1s, scheduling links, calendar sync, buffer time, planner, time tracking, and people analytics, Reclaim AI offers a holistic solution for efficient scheduling and effective collaboration.

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