Coinbase Supports Apple Pay to Purchase Cryptos and to Integrate with Google Pay

Annie Li   Aug 06, 2021 15:30  UTC 07:30

1 Min Read

Coinbase officially announced today that it provides customers with more payment methods for transactions and allows users to use Apple Pay to purchase cryptocurrency assets on its trading platform. It is expected to integrate with Google Pay in the fall of this year.

apple pay google pay and coinbase logo

With the addition of Apple Pay and Google Pay, customers can use Visa or Mastercard debit cards linked to Apple Wallet or Google Pay to pay for purchases and withdraw funds, not just using Coinbase Visa debit cards.

The official Coinbase blog post writes that on August 6:

"Today we’re introducing new and seamless ways to enable crypto buys with linked debit cards to Apple Pay and Google Pay, and instant cashouts up to $100,000 per transaction available 24/7."

Apple Pay will automatically pop up as one of the payment methods when users use Apple's IOS device or Safari web browser to purchase on the Coinbase platform.

Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange that provides instant cashing through a real-time payment (RTP) network, has been committed to providing customers with faster channels for transferring funds and continuously expanding the global beneficiary groups in different countries/regions.

The real-time payment (RTP) network allows 24/7 unlimited exchanges, which solves the traditional need to transfer funds through an automated clearing house (ACH) for up to 5 days without paying the high cost of unlimited fees.

Coinbase now accepts connected Visa and Mastercard debit and credit cards to purchase cryptocurrency in more than 20 countries.

Image source: Shutterstock

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