What is ZeroGPT? | Blockchain.News


Website: www.zerogpt.com
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  • Updated:3/17/2024
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ZeroGPT is an advanced AI tool that offers a suite of capabilities to detect, summarize, paraphrase, spell check, and chat with AI models. Developed by a team of AI experts, ZeroGPT aims to provide free and accessible AI assistant services to users.

Key Features

  • AI Detector - Detects AI-generated text from models like GPT-3, GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Bard. It highlights sentences written by AI and provides detailed statistics.
  • ZeroCHAT - A powerful AI chatbot that can converse naturally on a wide range of topics. It offers personalized conversations.
  • Summarizer - Summarizes text while maintaining context. Users can adjust summary length.
  • Paraphraser - Rephrases text to retain meaning but alter wording. Users can choose tone and writing style.
  • Grammar Checker - Checks text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Word Counter - Accurately counts words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and more.
  • Citation Generator - Creates citations in APA, MLA and Chicago formats.

AI Detector

The AI Detector is ZeroGPT's flagship offering. It can detect AI-generated text from popular models like GPT-3, GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Google's Bard. The tool highlights any sentences written by AI and provides a percentage to indicate how much of the text is AI-generated.

Users can upload single or multiple text files for batch detection. The tool supports text in all major languages with high accuracy. It can scan up to 100,000 characters of text for free users and 500,000 characters for paid users.

The AI Detector generates downloadable PDF reports to serve as plagiarism certificates and proof that text is original. The detection process uses ZeroGPT's proprietary DeepAnalyse technology employing cutting-edge AI methodologies.

An API is offered to integrate the detector into custom solutions for large-scale use. Pricing is usage-based starting at $0.034 per 1000 words scanned.


ZeroCHAT provides advanced conversational AI capabilities. It delivers highly contextual and coherent responses on a wide array of topics. The AI chatbot provides a more human-like conversation flow compared to predecessors like ChatGPT.

Users can log in to their ZeroGPT account to access personalized ZeroCHAT conversations. The chatbot learns from user inputs to improve over time. ZeroCHAT-5 is the most advanced level reserved for paid ZeroGPT users.


The Summarizer tool can condense text documents while retaining key information and context. Users simply paste or upload text and adjust the summary length, from 10% to 50% of the original. The summarizer works for various documents including articles, reports, paragraphs and more.

The summaries generated maintain accuracy and context using advanced NLP techniques. Users can opt for a bulleted summary for quick overviews. Paid users get up to 10,000 words summarized compared to 1500 for free users.


ZeroGPT's paraphrasing tool rewrites text to alter wording while preserving meaning. The rewritten text can adopt different tones and styles based on user selection. Options include formal, academic, simple, creative and more.

The paraphraser is useful for rephrasing essays, articles, paragraphs and other text without losing context. Users can paraphrase up to 300 words for free or 5000 words with a paid subscription.

Grammar Checker

The grammar checker scans text to detect errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It highlights issues in the text and provides suggested corrections. The tool integrates seamlessly with the paraphraser and summarizer.

ZeroGPT's grammar checker offers corrections for complex grammatical rules including subject-verb agreement, tense errors, contextual spellings, and more. Free users can check up to 1000 words while paid users get up to 10,000 words.

Word Counter

ZeroGPT offers an advanced word counter to track metrics like word count, character count, paragraph count and reading time. The counter processes text rapidly to give instant results. It works for all formats including text, PDFs, URLs and more.

The word counter is unlimited for all users. The tool provides useful statistics like top keywords, keyword density and reading level. Writers can use it to adhere to article length limits.

Citation Generator

Users can automatically create citations for sources in APA, MLA and Chicago formats. The generator lets users input source details like author, title, date, publisher, etc. to output a correctly formatted citation.

The citation generator helps students and researchers credit sources properly in their bibliographies and reference lists. It works for books, journals, websites and more.


ZeroGPT offers an AI assistant suite that provides the following benefits:

  • Saves time - Automates time - Automates tasks like summarizing, paraphrasing, proofreading, citations
  • Improves writing - Tools enhance drafts and help meet formatting needs
  • Increases productivity - Easy-to-use tools integrate seamlessly into workflows
  • Provides credibility - Plagiarism checks and citations adhere to academic standards
  • Offers personalization - Adjust settings and access preferred features

The free access makes the tools accessible to all users. Students, writers, researchers, and professionals can enhance their work with ZeroGPT's AI.


ZeroGPT does not store user texts on its servers. The tools process user data securely without retention. Any texts, summaries, or paraphrases are discarded after the result is provided.

ZeroGPT's privacy policy states that they only collect personal information when voluntarily submitted for account registration. Cookies are used but can be opted out of.

So ZeroGPT prioritizes privacy and does not access, share or retain user content beyond temporary processing for delivering requested services.


In summary, ZeroGPT provides free and accessible AI tools to enhance writing, proofreading, research and more. Students, writers, professionals and others can benefit from its advanced detectors, summarizers, paraphrasers and chatbots. The tools aim to save time, improve writing and increase productivity.

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