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CLAUDE Accepts Visa Debit Cards for Crypto Payment
claude Accepts Visa Debit Cards for Crypto Payment has launched Visa debit cards to enable users to spend from their crypto balances free of charge, with the opportunity to gain cryptocurrency rewards.

Texas Bitcoin Miners Agree to Reduce Power Usage

Texas Bitcoin Miners Agree to Reduce Power Usage

The crypto miners made the move after ERCOT suggested the need to reduce power consumption.

Ethereum Usage is Now 54 Times to Bitcoin as Ethereum 2.0 Becomes the Largest ETH Holder

Ethereum Usage is Now 54 Times to Bitcoin as Ethereum 2.0 Becomes the Largest ETH Holder

As the neck-to-neck battle between Bitcoin and Ethereum continues, the latter has emerged as the victor in terms of usage.

Venezuela Wants Citizens to Pay Taxes in State-Issued Petro Cryptocurrency

Venezuela Wants Citizens to Pay Taxes in State-Issued Petro Cryptocurrency

Venezuela is moving on a mandate that could see taxes being collected using its state-issued cryptocurrency—the oil-backed Petro. The effort is part of a nation-wide campaign to create mainstream use cases for Venezuela’s cryptocurrency.

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