SYNTHETIC News - Blockchain.News


Vietnamese Scientists Revolutionize AI in Mathematics with AlphaGeometry

Vietnamese Scientists Revolutionize AI in Mathematics with AlphaGeometry

Vietnamese scientists are advancing in AlphaGeometry, AI Mathematics, and solving geometry problems using synthetic data, neural language models, symbolic engines, Google DeepMind, and educational AI.

Equilibrium and Chainlink to Power Synthetic Assets and Stablecoins on Polkadot

Equilibrium and Chainlink to Power Synthetic Assets and Stablecoins on Polkadot

Equilibrium has chosen Chainlink, a tokenized oracle network, to power synthetic assets, lending, and stablecoins using its smart contracts.

Private Firms Can Boost Innovation of Central Bank Digital Currency, says IMF

Private Firms Can Boost Innovation of Central Bank Digital Currency, says IMF

A synthetic Central bank digital currency (CBDC) could create new pathways for innovation according to a senior member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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