SOTHEBY’S News - Blockchain.News


Sotheby Alters Art Sale, Novice Player Makes Staggering Profit

Sotheby Alters Art Sale, Novice Player Makes Staggering Profit

Sotheby's has announced a new digital art sale, "Glitch: Beyond Binary," with a focus on diversity after criticism. Meanwhile, a newcomer to the game Illuvium: Beyond has made a huge profit by finding a rare character.

Over 101 Carat Diamond Sold for $12.2M in Crypto in Hong Kong

Over 101 Carat Diamond Sold for $12.2M in Crypto in Hong Kong

A 101.38-carat diamond has been sold for over $12.2M, conducted by Sotheby’s in Hong Kong recently. The transaction will be accepted in cryptocurrency, either in Bitcoin or Ether, as payment.

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