Patent News - Blockchain.News


UK Supreme Court Denies AI's Claim to Inventorship in Landmark Case

UK Supreme Court Denies AI's Claim to Inventorship in Landmark Case

The UK Supreme Court's decision not to acknowledge AI as an inventor highlights the importance of human involvement in patent applications, setting a precedent for future AI-related patent disputes.

Taj Quantum Utilizes Blockchain in Authentication Systems, Awarded Patent for Groundbreaking Type II Superconductor

Taj Quantum Utilizes Blockchain in Authentication Systems, Awarded Patent for Groundbreaking Type II Superconductor

Taj Quantum was awarded a patent for a Type II Superconductor and utilizes blockchain for authentication systems, as announced on July 31, 2023.

Sony Files Patent for NFT Transfer Between Game Platforms

Sony Files Patent for NFT Transfer Between Game Platforms

Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a patent for a framework allowing users to transfer and use NFTs across multiple game platforms.

Blockchain Security Firm Files Patent for Ransomware Solution EB Drive

Blockchain Security Firm Files Patent for Ransomware Solution EB Drive

Blockchain networking company Everything Blockchain, Inc. applies for a patent for its Blockchain drive (EB Drive).

Mastercard VP On Blockchain, Digital Assets and CBDC: “Everything Ends in Transactions and Payments”

Mastercard VP On Blockchain, Digital Assets and CBDC: “Everything Ends in Transactions and Payments”

Ashok Venkateswaran, Mastercard’s Blockchain and Digital Assets Lead, Asia Pacific shares insights on the payment giant's new blockchain and digital initiatives.

Square Inc. Launches Alliance for Crypto and Blockchain Companies to Fight Patent Trolls

Square Inc. Launches Alliance for Crypto and Blockchain Companies to Fight Patent Trolls

Square has announced that it has successfully launched COPA to empower blockchain and crypto companies and to protect them from patent hoarding trolls.

Microsoft’s Crypto Patent Fuels Another Right Wing Satanic Conspiracy By Ex-CIA Agent

Microsoft’s Crypto Patent Fuels Another Right Wing Satanic Conspiracy By Ex-CIA Agent

Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp has dragged Microsoft's crypto-mining patent right back into the center of another right-wing conspiracy.

Huawei Files Patent For Blockchain Ledger Storage and Device

Huawei Files Patent For Blockchain Ledger Storage and Device

Chinese technology giant Huawei has applied for a patent on a new blockchain-based storage systems.

US Banking Giant Patents AI Fact Checker to Simplify Investing in Crypto

US Banking Giant Patents AI Fact Checker to Simplify Investing in Crypto

Capital One Services, a subsidiary of US banking giant Capital One has patented a new artificial intelligence system to guide human cryptocurrency traders through the complicated world of misinformation in the digital assets space.

Bill Gates' COVID Conspiracy Grows In Italian Parliament, Allegations of Population Control by Political Anti-Vaxxer

Bill Gates' COVID Conspiracy Grows In Italian Parliament, Allegations of Population Control by Political Anti-Vaxxer

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many subjects to the forefront: our reliance on oil, manufacturing in China, the need for digital dollars, the frailty of our global supply chain, and our lack of preparation to deal with the outbreak. However perhaps the strangest topic online and the most unavoidable has been the conspiracy theory chasing Bill Gates and his foundation’s efforts to produce a vaccine. The accusations range from him directly being the cause of the pandemic, to being the head of an Illuminati like circular cabal bent on controlling the world through microchips, and now an insidious plan to depopulate the planet of billions of people.

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