OXFORD News - Blockchain.News


AI : Experts Predict Human-Level Intelligence Within Decades

AI : Experts Predict Human-Level Intelligence Within Decades

A 2023 Oxford University survey forecasts a 50% chance of AI surpassing human performance in a decade, potentially reshaping jobs and industries by 2116. This rapid AI development calls for equitable access and bias mitigation.

Oxford Study Reveals "Prospective Configuration" - A Novel Brain Learning Principle Surpassing AI

Oxford Study Reveals "Prospective Configuration" - A Novel Brain Learning Principle Surpassing AI

Oxford University and the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit have discovered a new principle of brain learning called "prospective configuration," suggesting the human brain has a superior learning mechanism compared to AI systems. Future research aims to develop learning algorithms.

Oxford City Football Club Partners with CoinCorner to Accept Bitcoin Payment

Oxford City Football Club Partners with CoinCorner to Accept Bitcoin Payment

Oxford City Football Club (OCFC), one of the world's most successful and coveted football clubs, has partnered with Isle of Man-based bitcoin company CoinCorner to offer bitcoin payments.

Oxford Law Researchers Call for Strict Cryptocurrency Regulation to Avoid Another Financial Crisis

Oxford Law Researchers Call for Strict Cryptocurrency Regulation to Avoid Another Financial Crisis

Researchers at Oxford University Law Faculty claim that crypto market regulation is mandatory to prevent systemic risk in times of financial crisis.

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