LUKASHENKO News - Blockchain.News


Belarus President Signs Free Flow Crypto Decree, Wallets to Come Under Central Register

Belarus President Signs Free Flow Crypto Decree, Wallets to Come Under Central Register

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has signed a decree that will allow the free circulation of cryptocurrencies.

Belarus President Alexandra Lukashenko Urges His Citizens to Embrace Bitcoin Mining

Belarus President Alexandra Lukashenko Urges His Citizens to Embrace Bitcoin Mining

The president of Belarus, Alexandra Lukashenko, is urging his citizens to take advantage of cheap electricity in the country to do crypto mining instead of seeking jobs abroad.

Apple Demands that Telegram Block Channels Officiated by Belarus Protestors

Apple Demands that Telegram Block Channels Officiated by Belarus Protestors

Apple tech giant has told cloud-based messaging service Telegram to shut down three channels related to the Belarus political protests.

Crypto Exchange Refuses to Give Up Dissident Names to Belarus Government

Crypto Exchange Refuses to Give Up Dissident Names to Belarus Government

Belarus government officials have demanded that a crypto exchange disclose the names of potential dissidents that have leveraged their services.

Protests Erupt as Alexander Lukashenko Wins Disputed Landslide Election in Crypto Forward Belarus

Protests Erupt as Alexander Lukashenko Wins Disputed Landslide Election in Crypto Forward Belarus

In Belarus, a highly contested election victory for longstanding President Alexander Lukashenko over Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has erupted in protests. Despite the dispute, the Soviet forged dictator’s stay of power may be good news for crypto.

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