LORA News - Blockchain.News


NVIDIA NIM Simplifies Deployment of LoRA Adapters for Enhanced Model Customization

NVIDIA NIM Simplifies Deployment of LoRA Adapters for Enhanced Model Customization

NVIDIA NIM eases deployment of LoRA adapters, optimizing large language model customization and performance.

Extraterrestrial Evidence: A 15-Year Scientific Wager

Extraterrestrial Evidence: A 15-Year Scientific Wager

Astrobiologist Schulze-Makuch and planetary scientist Ian Crawford predict technological extraterrestrial life within 15 years, highlighting rapid space exploration advancements and cosmic significance.

Etherscan Acquired Solana to Enhance Services and Ensure Fair Blockchain Data Access

Etherscan Acquired Solana to Enhance Services and Ensure Fair Blockchain Data Access

Etherscan's acquisition of Solscan marks a strategic expansion in blockchain exploration, promising enhanced services, innovation, and industry growth.

Colorado Becomes First US State to Accept Crypto as Tax Payments

Colorado Becomes First US State to Accept Crypto as Tax Payments

Colorado has set the ball rolling as the first U.S. state to offer residents the option of paying taxes in cryptocurrencies.

Crypto is No Longer Men Club as More Female Entering the Space, Study Shows

Crypto is No Longer Men Club as More Female Entering the Space, Study Shows

A study finds more women are participating and investing in this crypto sector, which men no longer dominate in terms of gender.

Colorado State to Permit Payment of Taxes in Crypto this Summer

Colorado State to Permit Payment of Taxes in Crypto this Summer

Colorado Governor Jared Polis has revealed that the state plans to let its residents pay their taxes in digital currencies as early as this summer.

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