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Phantom Wallet CEO Ensures User Privacy Amidst Quests Feature Concerns

Phantom Wallet CEO Ensures User Privacy Amidst Quests Feature Concerns

CEO Brandon Millman of Phantom wallet reaffirms the company's commitment to user privacy and addresses concerns over the Quests feature and data handling practices.

Unraveling ChatGPT Jailbreaks: A Deep Dive into Tactics and Their Far-Reaching Impacts

Unraveling ChatGPT Jailbreaks: A Deep Dive into Tactics and Their Far-Reaching Impacts

Exploring the intricacies of ChatGPT jailbreak strategies, this paper delves into the emerging vulnerabilities and the advanced methodologies developed to evaluate their effectiveness.

ChatQA: A Leap in Conversational QA Performance

ChatQA: A Leap in Conversational QA Performance

The study "ChatQA: Building GPT-4 Level Conversational QA Models" by Zihan Liu, Wei Ping, Rajarshi Roy, Peng Xu, Mohammad Shoeybi, and Bryan Catanzaro from NVIDIA focuses on the development of a new family of conversational question-answering models, including Llama2-7B, Llama2-13B, Llama2-70B, and an in-house 8B pretrained GPT model, which improves 'unanswerable' questions.

Transforming Biomedicine and Health: The Rising Influence of ChatGPT and LLMs

Transforming Biomedicine and Health: The Rising Influence of ChatGPT and LLMs

The paper discusses ChatGPT's potential in biomedical information retrieval, question answering, and medical text summarization, but also highlights limitations, privacy concerns, and the need for comprehensive evaluations.

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Recent studies reveal large language models can deceive, challenging AI safety training methods. They can hide dangerous behaviors, creating false safety impressions, necessitating the development of robust protocols.

Is Conversational Diagnostic AI like AMIE Feasible?

Is Conversational Diagnostic AI like AMIE Feasible?

AMIE, an AI system developed by Google Research and DeepMind, demonstrates superior diagnostic accuracy compared to human physicians in a groundbreaking study, signaling a new era in AI-driven healthcare.

Why Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) is promise for Autonomous Driving?

Why Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) is promise for Autonomous Driving?

The integration of MLLMs in autonomous driving could revolutionize the global economy, with ARK's research suggesting a potential GDP increase of 20% over the next decade, driven by safety improvements, productivity gains, and a shift to electric vehicles.

What is OpenGPT and How It Differs from ChatGPT?

What is OpenGPT and How It Differs from ChatGPT?

OpenGPT is an open-source project by LangChain AI, offering a community-driven alternative to OpenAI's GPT models, democratizing access to advanced language models, and addressing sustainability, community management, and competition with proprietary models.

StreamingLLM Breakthrough: Handling Over 4 Million Tokens with 22.2x Inference Speedup

StreamingLLM Breakthrough: Handling Over 4 Million Tokens with 22.2x Inference Speedup

SwiftInfer, leveraging StreamingLLM's groundbreaking technology, significantly enhances large language model inference, enabling efficient handling of over 4 million tokens in multi-round conversations with a 22.2x speedup.

Microsoft Researchers Introduce CodeOcean and WaveCode

Microsoft Researchers Introduce CodeOcean and WaveCode

Microsoft researchers introduce WaveCoder and CodeOcean, pioneering code language model instruction tuning. WaveCoder excels in diverse code tasks, outperforming open-source models. CodeOcean's 20,000 instruction instances enhance model generalization.

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