LITHUANIA News - Blockchain.News


Bitget Registers as a Service Provider in Lithuania

Bitget Registers as a Service Provider in Lithuania

Bitget has registered as a service provider in Lithuania after meeting compliance standards with regional laws and regulations. Lithuania is an emerging digital asset market and a popular location for cryptocurrency and blockchain projects.

Lithuania Government Cashes in Seized Crypto Worth €6.4 Million

Lithuania Government Cashes in Seized Crypto Worth €6.4 Million

Through the State Tax Inspectorate (STI), the Lithuania government has cashed in €6.4 million and slotted it in the state budget after selling seized cryptocurrencies.

Bank of Lithuania Calls For Uniform Regulation for Digital Financial Innovation Across Europe

Bank of Lithuania Calls For Uniform Regulation for Digital Financial Innovation Across Europe

Bank of Lithuania, Lietuvos Bankas, has proposed uniform regulations throughout the European Union in response to the European Commission’s consultations for the development of the digitalization of financial services in Europe.

Bank of Lithuania Has Commenced the Issuance of its LBCOINS to the Public

Bank of Lithuania Has Commenced the Issuance of its LBCOINS to the Public

Following the launch of its digital collectibles dubbed “LBCOINS,” the Bank of Lithuania has announced that it has commenced the issuance of the LBCOINS to the members of the public. The issuance of LBCOINS is a landmark step in the worldwide drive towards achieving a financial era dominated central bank digital currencies (CBDC).

Bank of Lithuania Launches First Blockchain-Based Digital Collector's Coin As Test for CBDC

Bank of Lithuania Launches First Blockchain-Based Digital Collector's Coin As Test for CBDC

The Bank of Lithuania has launched the first central bank-produced digital collectors coin dubbed “LBCOINS” as part of its trial of blockchain technology and testing in its development of central bank digital currencies.

First in the World? Lithuania Central Bank Approved Blockchain-based Digital Collectible

First in the World? Lithuania Central Bank Approved Blockchain-based Digital Collectible

Implementing a unique new idea will be the Bank of Lithuania in introducing the world’s first blockchain – based digital coin collectible.

Bank of Lithuania Selects IBM and Tieto as Finalists for its Blockchain-Powered LBChain Project

Bank of Lithuania Selects IBM and Tieto as Finalists for its Blockchain-Powered LBChain Project

The central bank of Lithuania has chosen IBM, a technology titan, and Tieto, a leading Nordic software and services company, as the finalists in its blockchain-powered LBChain project. The winner will be announced as the year ends.

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