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Exploring AGI Hallucination: A Comprehensive Survey of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

Exploring AGI Hallucination: A Comprehensive Survey of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

A new survey delves into the phenomenon of AGI hallucination, categorizing its types, causes, and current mitigation approaches while discussing future research directions.

MetaMask Snaps Elevate Security and Interoperability in the Web3 Space

MetaMask Snaps Elevate Security and Interoperability in the Web3 Space

MetaMask introduces security-focused Snaps, including collaborations with Tenderly and Sayfer, and extends functionality through integration with Hedera, marking a significant enhancement in wallet security and user experience.

Australia Evaluates Mandatory AI Rules in High-Risk Areas

Australia Evaluates Mandatory AI Rules in High-Risk Areas

Australia is considering mandatory regulations for AI development in high-risk areas, balancing innovation with public safety, ethical concerns, and global alignment in AI governance.

British Standards Institution Pioneers International AI Safety Guidelines for Sustainable Future

British Standards Institution Pioneers International AI Safety Guidelines for Sustainable Future

BSI's release of the first international AI safety guideline, BS ISO/IEC 42001, marks a significant step in standardizing the safe and ethical use of AI, reflecting global demand for robust AI governance.

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Deceptive AI: The Hidden Dangers of LLM Backdoors

Recent studies reveal large language models can deceive, challenging AI safety training methods. They can hide dangerous behaviors, creating false safety impressions, necessitating the development of robust protocols.

Exploring AI Stability: Navigating Non-Power-Seeking Behavior Across Environments

Exploring AI Stability: Navigating Non-Power-Seeking Behavior Across Environments

The research explores AI's stability in non-power-seeking behaviors, revealing that certain policies maintain non-resistance to shutdown across similar environments, providing insights into mitigating risks associated with power-seeking AI.

Vitalik Buterin's Insightful Financial Advice for a Prudent Portfolio

Vitalik Buterin's Insightful Financial Advice for a Prudent Portfolio

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin advises on prudent financial strategies, emphasizing diversification, savings for financial safety, a conservative portfolio, and caution against over-leveraging, blending traditional and modern investment insights.

Google DeepMind: Subtle Adversarial Image Manipulation Influences Both AI Model and Human Perception

Google DeepMind: Subtle Adversarial Image Manipulation Influences Both AI Model and Human Perception

Recent DeepMind research reveals that subtle adversarial image manipulations, originally designed to deceive AI models, also subtly influence human perception. This discovery underscores similarities and distinctions in human and machine vision, emphasizing the need for further research in AI safety and security.

California Spearheads AI Ethics and Safety with Senate Bills 892 and 893

California Spearheads AI Ethics and Safety with Senate Bills 892 and 893

California takes a pioneering role in AI regulation with Senate Bills 892 and 893, aiming to ensure AI safety, ethics, and public benefits.

FDIC Mandates New Signage for Digital Platforms Starting 2025

FDIC Mandates New Signage for Digital Platforms Starting 2025

The FDIC has updated its signage requirements, mandating digital display of a new black and navy blue sign on websites, apps, and ATMs from 2025 to align with modern banking practices.

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