CORRUPTION News - Blockchain.News


China Identifies Cryptocurrency as a New form for Bribery and Corruption

China Identifies Cryptocurrency as a New form for Bribery and Corruption

The Chinese Association for the Study of Integrity and Legal Systems warns of new corruption forms in the digital era, recommending strengthened legislation, expanded bribery definitions, and improved digital enforcement infrastructure.

Binance CEO Highlights Disproportionate Narrative on Illicit Activities in Crypto versus Fiat Currencies

Binance CEO Highlights Disproportionate Narrative on Illicit Activities in Crypto versus Fiat Currencies

Dr. Andrzej Gwizdalski and Binance CEO Richard Teng's analysis reveals traditional fiat currencies are involved in more illicit activities ($3.2 trillion annually) than cryptocurrencies ($20 billion), prompting a rethinking of the narrative.

Venezuela Shuts Down Crypto Mining Operations

Venezuela Shuts Down Crypto Mining Operations

Venezuela has closed down crypto mining facilities as part of a national crypto department reorganization and corruption investigation into the country's oil company, PDVSA.

Alex Gladstein Fights Government Corruption

Alex Gladstein Fights Government Corruption

Human Rights Foundation CSO Alex Gladstein thinks Bitcoin can improve democracy and combat state corruption by restricting government and institutional authority.

UN Agency Advises Kenya to Embrace Blockchain Technology to Tame Corruption

UN Agency Advises Kenya to Embrace Blockchain Technology to Tame Corruption

The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) wants Kenya to embrace blockchain technology to fight runaway corruption.

UK Media Mogul Calls DeFi a Revolution Against Corrupt Global Banking System

UK Media Mogul Calls DeFi a Revolution Against Corrupt Global Banking System

Alexander Lebedev, the billionaire UK media mogul and former banker has endorsed the revolutionary power of DeFi against a corrupt global banking system.

Corrupt Cop Sentenced to Prison for Accepting Bitcoin Bribe from Dark Web Drug Dealer

Corrupt Cop Sentenced to Prison for Accepting Bitcoin Bribe from Dark Web Drug Dealer

A former police officer has been sentenced to 8 years in prison for accepting a Bitcoin bribe from a dark web dealer, in exchange for his professional services.

Why Did Venezuela Block Citizens’ Access to Coinbase Crypto Exchange?

Why Did Venezuela Block Citizens’ Access to Coinbase Crypto Exchange?

Venezuela has blocked access to Coinbase crypto exchange and MercaDolar fiat remittance platform, but why?

Denmark Backs Blockchain Technology As Instrument to Fighting Runaway Political Corruption

Denmark Backs Blockchain Technology As Instrument to Fighting Runaway Political Corruption

The Danish government has thrown its support behind blockchain in the fight against political corruption.

China Plans to Thwart Procedural Violations in the Police Force and Courtrooms with Blockchain

China Plans to Thwart Procedural Violations in the Police Force and Courtrooms with Blockchain

China has laid plans to use a new automated system powered by blockchain and other technologies to propel surveillance of its judges and police officers.

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