ASX Delays Blockchain-Based CHESS Replacement to April 2023
The Australian Securities Exchange has delayed the blockchain replacement for its CHESS settlement system for financial products, until April 2023.
Australian Securities Exchange Postpones Migration to Blockchain Settlement System Due to Coronavirus Concerns
The Australian Securities Exchange has further postponed the replacement of its current CHESS system with a new blockchain-based settlement system due to coronavirus concerns.
Australia Securities Exchange Moves For Blockchain Technology, CHI-X Calls For More Regulatory Supervisions
Australia Securities Exchange (ASX) plans to switch to distributed ledger technology by April 2021, replacing its clearing system, registry, and settlement with the technology for the sole purpose of cutting costs for customers.
Australian Securities Exchange Partners with VMware to Go Blockchain in 2021
A recent press release shows a new agreement with the NYSE listed companies namely VMware and Digital Asset holding and the ASX for the replacement of the CHESS system by 2021.