What is TutorEva? | Blockchain.News


Website: www.tutoreva.com
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  • Updated:3/17/2024
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Overview of TutorEva

TutorEva is an AI-powered online tutoring platform that provides homework help and tutoring services for all college subjects. The website url is https://www.tutoreva.com/.

Key Features

  • 24/7 access to AI tutors for help with any college course
  • Customized tutoring sessions tailored to each student's needs
  • Expert human tutors available for more complex topics
  • Convenient online platform accessible from any device
  • Affordable pricing options for students on a budget

Subjects Covered

TutorEva offers tutoring services across all major college subjects including:

  • Math - Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, etc.
  • Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.
  • Business - Accounting, Finance, Economics, etc.
  • Social Sciences - Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, etc.
  • Humanities - History, English, Philosophy, etc.
  • Computer Science - Programming, Web Development, Databases, etc.
  • Engineering - Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, etc.
  • Nursing and Healthcare
  • Languages
  • Test Prep - SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc.

Having expertise across all major academic disciplines makes TutorEva a one-stop platform for college students seeking homework help or tutoring in any subject.

AI Tutoring Technology

TutorEva utilizes advanced AI technology to provide customized tutoring support to students. Some key aspects of the AI tutoring include:

  • Natural language processing to understand students' questions and provide relevant explanations
  • Deep learning algorithms trained on millions of tutoring interactions to identify knowledge gaps
  • Adaptive questioning techniques to gauge students' understanding and tailor instruction
  • Integration of multimedia like images, videos and interactive models to enhance engagement
  • Constant improvement through analysis of tutoring sessions and feedback data

The AI is designed to mimic human tutors by holding natural conversations, providing step-by-step guidance, and adapting in real-time to each student's strengths and weaknesses. This personalized approach makes the tutoring highly effective.

Human Expert Tutors

In addition to AI tutoring, TutorEva provides access to human expert tutors for tackling more advanced concepts or complex assignments. These tutors have years of teaching experience and advanced degrees in their respective fields.

Human tutoring is available in over 40 subjects and provides:

  • In-depth explanations of difficult topics
  • Strategies for solving complex problems
  • Feedback on assignments and essays
  • Help preparing for exams and standardized tests
  • Career and college admissions counseling

The combination of AI and human tutoring gives students an added layer of support for excelling in their academics.

Online Tutoring Platform

TutorEva delivers its AI and human tutoring services through an online platform accessible on any web-enabled device. Key features of the platform include:

  • Student dashboard to manage tutoring sessions and review progress
  • Secure video chat for interactive tutoring with human experts
  • Screen sharing capabilities for working through problems together
  • Digital whiteboard for drawing, graphs and mathematical equations
  • File upload system for submitting homework assignments
  • Messaging system for quick questions and tutor communication
  • Progress tracking to identify strengths and areas for improvement

The platform is designed to provide a seamless tutoring experience online that replicates the benefits of in-person tutoring.


TutorEva offers affordable and flexible pricing options to make expert tutoring accessible to all students, including:

  • AI tutoring starting from $1 per session
  • Human expert tutoring starting from $15 per hour
  • Discounted subscription plans for frequent use
  • No long term contracts, pay per session as needed
  • Financial assistance and discounted rates available

Students can select the plan that fits their budget and tutoring needs. The AI tutoring provides an extremely cost-effective option for getting help with daily homework and studying.

Subject-Specific Tutoring

TutorEva matches students with tutors who have specialized knowledge in the requested subject area. Some examples of subject-specific tutoring include:

  • Calculus Tutoring: Get help with limits, derivatives, integrals, and multi-variable calculus from tutors with mathematics expertise.
  • Chemistry Tutoring: Tutors assist with balancing chemical equations, stoichiometry, gases, reaction rates, and organic chemistry concepts.
  • Business Tutoring: Learn financial modeling, managerial accounting, microeconomics, marketing analytics, and other business skills.
  • Nursing Tutoring: Nursing students get support with pharmacology, clinical skills, patient assessments, and preparing for the NCLEX exam.
  • GRE Test Prep: Tutors provide strategies, practice tests and feedback to help improve verbal reasoning, analytical writing, and quantitative skills on the GRE.

Having tutors matched by subject area ensures students get the precise expertise needed for their coursework or tests.


TutorEva provides an innovative platform combining AI and human tutoring to help college students succeed academically. With expertise across all subjects, advanced tutoring technology, accessible pricing, and a convenient online platform, TutorEva makes it easy for students to get the homework help and tutoring support they need to thrive in college courses and beyond.

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