What is StarByFace? | Blockchain.News


Website: starbyface.com
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  • Updated:3/21/2024
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StarByFace: Celebrity Look-Alike Face Recognition App

StarByFace is a popular AI-powered tool that allows users to find their celebrity look-alikes through face recognition technology. This innovative application, available on the website starbyface.com, has gained significant attention and popularity due to its accuracy and entertaining features.

How It Works

To find your celebrity doppelgänger using StarByFace, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Upload a Photo: Start by selecting or uploading a photo of yourself. It is recommended to use a frontal photo with a clear and visible face for better accuracy.
  2. Face Detection: The system automatically detects your face and creates a facial pattern. It identifies key components of your face, such as eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and position.
  3. Enjoy the Result: Using a sophisticated Neural Network, StarByFace compares your facial features with a vast database of celebrity faces. It then suggests the most similar celebrity look-alikes for you to explore.

Privacy and Data Protection

StarByFace prioritizes user privacy and ensures the protection of personal data. The following measures are implemented:

  • Photo Deletion: All uploaded photos are promptly deleted after the recognition process. The tool does not store or retain any user photos.
  • Usage Data: StarByFace.com collects only limited website usage data, including IP addresses, the IP address and URL of the referring website, browser cookies, and browser types. No personally identifiable information, such as names or email addresses, is gathered during website usage.
  • Cookies and Advertising: The application utilizes Google Analytics and advertising companies to display relevant ads. These companies may collect non-personal information about users' website visits to provide advertisements based on their interests. For more information on this practice, please refer to the provided link.
  • Terms of Service: StarByFace is intended for personal and non-commercial use only. Users are expected to comply with the terms and conditions outlined by the service.

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